A Barbie World?

Le 17 Octobre dernier, les élèves d’AMC ( 1eres et Tales) ainsi que les élèves de Tales STMG , en ETLV sont allés visionner le film Barbie en VO au cinéma l’imaginaire de Douchy-les- Mines.
Cela avait donné lieu à toute une séquence en amont pour préparer ce visionnage qui a été suivi d’un débat en anglais et en français dans la salle du cinéma.

Par la suite, les élèves d’AMC ont écrit des critiques ou inventé des suites possibles. A vous de découvrir leurs travaux!

Un concours de critiques de film a également eu lieu. Deux groupes ont été récompensés!

Première suite au film imaginée par Titouan:

After her appointment with the gynaecologist, Barbie decides to get a full taste of American life, so she goes to McDonald’s and discovers the pleasure of eating food that for the first time had consistency. So Barbie started eating more and more, without realising how much she was taking in. As a result, Barbie becomes morbidly obese and has to rush to hospital. Knowing nothing about the US monetary system, she cannot afford the care she needs, so she ends up on the street with her obesity. Her friends in the real world, finding her in this state, decide to intervene and start a sports programme for Barbie to help her lose weight. After a week, Barbie ends up losing quite a lot of weight. One day she goes on a road trip across the US and with her friends and drive through Las Vegas and the casinos. Barbie decides to stay a while there and very quickly becomes addicted and even goes completely crazy because of the gambling. She ends up being arrested by the police and is sent directly not to prison but to a psychiatric asylum where she meets a certain Mr J. Barbie doesn’t pay much attention to Mr J at first, but she does notice that he’s always carrying a playing card with a Joker on it. Barbie thinks that Mr J is also recovering from a similar addiction to hers, but she later learns that Mr J actually stands for Joker. How does she find out ? Well, our dear Barbie starts to develop feelings for Mr J and even ends up escaping from the asylum with him. And so begins a life of crime for our dear Barbie. It turns out that our Mr J has a certain reputation in society. He is feared by everyone, especially in his home town of Arkham.  Bank robbery, murder and many other atrocities are committed by our Duo. Barbie’s reputation will eventually lead to her being called Harley Queen …

Titouan, Tale AMC

Deuxième suite possible imaginée par Romain

When Barbara Handler was heading out of the gynecologist, at first she thought about what her life could be now that she was a woman. Surprisingly, when her mind reflected on what job she would be great at, Barbara searched on her phone a job or at least an occupation.
The next week, she found a pleasant job : flight attendant which wasn’t what she was expecting but yet she found it exciting. During the flight, on the sixth of November 2023, an awkward man was making a bunch of silly things (and especially mocking women) that were disturbing the flight. So Barbara decided to see if this man would stop. The man was answering to her as if she was nothing more than a maid, created to serve him and his sexist desire. So when the plane landed in NYC, Barbara called her dearest friend : Gloria, and asked how long women had been suffering from that type of remarks, her friend answered that it had always been the case, and that women really tried to fight to be
acknowledged, to have rights, to finally stop existing through men’s eyes. Barbara then promised to herself that she would fight for feminism and, against sexism so women could have a better recognition for their work. Thus she fought again and again for gender equality. So, as the years passed by, she became a symbol, a representation of the defense of women’s rights and she led a movement for women in different types of employment where most of men used to be leaders.
Finally, Barbara Handler became a worldwide, famous person to people around the world, and a life saver for women who needed more rights and more freedom.

Romain, Tale AMC

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